伝統を息づかせながらも、今日の文脈で筆記文化を再解釈し、提案する文染|FUMISOME。ブランドの立ち上げから参画しているo-lab inc.の新しいミッションは、「草の根クリエイティブ」というキーワードによる墨と硯のアップデートでした。従来の色墨は顔料により着色されていますが、文染らしいその進化形は、より透明度の高い染料を色素としたもの。古くは奈良・平安時代まで歴史が遡る鈴鹿墨の伝統を受け継ぐ進誠堂とのコラボレーションにより、染料・膠・ふのりのみによる「色々に染める墨」が完成しました。有機的で柔らかな曲面と、親指に心地よい緊張感をもたらす平面のコントラストが特徴的な墨の木型は、現在日本でたった1人の墨型彫刻師、中村雅峯氏による製作。究極の伝統と自由で新しい発想が生んだ唯一無二の墨から溶け出す染料は、紙だけでなく色々な素材も美しく染めることができます。
FUMISOME is a brand that reinterprets writing culture in a modern context, while keeping tradition alive. As a creative partner, o-lab inc. has been involved with the brand since its inception, and its mission this time was to reinterpret ink sticks and inkstones in a modern way, using the keyword grassroots creativity. Ink sticks, which generally contain pigments as color source, became our next target, and FUMISOME tried to make them evolve into dye-based in order to make the solution more transparent and authentic. In collaboration with Shinseido, a company that has inherited the tradition of Suzuka sumi ink, which dates back to the Nara and Heian periods (794-1185), we have successfully created Ink sticks to dye myriad colors, using only dyes and natural glues. The wooden mold for the ink sticks, that feature the organic overall shape and contrasting planar surface for thumb, was hand-crafted by Mr. Gahou Nakamura, who is currently the only ink mold engraver in Japan. This is a one-of-a-kind sumi ink created by the ultimate in tradition and new ideas. The water-soluble dye can be used to beautifully dye not only paper, but also a variety of other materials.
We have also developed A glass inkstone to showcase colors for the new ink. The slightly concave top surface of the crafted glass, which has the intriguing form factor neither circular nor square, has been hand-brushed to reproduce fine grinding surface of specific natural stones. The shape of the diminutive ink pond, which suddenly becomes deeper and narrower, is designed to be used not only with brushes but also with glass pens and various other writing instruments. The light passing through the glass makes the color of the ink stand out, and this special inkstone also serves as a beautiful paperweight on your desk.